Feed and seed your lawn now, when the air is cooler but the soil is still warm and it’ll come back healthier and greener next spring
Seeding in the Fall
Your most successful seeding time is right around Labor Day. Seeding 2 weeks before or after that easy-to-remember holiday gives your new seedlings time to build strong roots. In fact, overseeding with grass seed and fertilizer in the fall can make your lawn up to 49% thicker next spring!
Fertilizing in the Fall
Fall conditions are great for lawns. Grass roots start to store nutrients the grass will need when it wakes up again in the spring. So you want to help those roots grow by fertilizing. Your best bet is to feed once in early fall (if you are overseeding, your starter fertilizer counts) and once more about 6 to 8 weeks later, around Thanksgiving. Deliver the nutrients grass needs to get through the winter and come up strong the following year.