When her daughter bought her first (and second) heifer a few years ago, Amy Crites Kile wanted to feed them right. A local veterinarian recommended Kent Feeds, which she credits for her daughter’s success in the show ring – and trusts with her own herd of Charolais cattle on her farm in West Virginia.
“I was very pleased with my average daily gains and how well the steers finished,” Amy says. “People started asking me what feed I was using. That’s how obvious the results were.”
The youngest of seven children, Amy grew up on a farm where her dad always raised cattle. He was especially fond of the Charolais breed, which she says stands out in her mostly-angus area due to their white coloring and light pink muzzles. When he passed away five years ago, she inherited land from him and decided to continue his tradition with a cow/calf operation of her own. She now has 17 head of purebred Charolais – all of which “literally come running” for their feed.
“When I first started using Kent Cattle 15 and the Calf Creep Feed, my cows went nuts for it,” Amy says. “They literally run me over for it. And they just clean it up.”
As her daughter, Lindsey, got more involved in showing, Amy paid closer attention to the health of her animals and always fed them Kent Show Feeds. A former accountant, she laughs about the level of weight monitoring she did early on.
“I weighed them regularly and my calf was putting on four pounds a day in the middle of the hot summer,” she recalls. “I couldn’t have asked for better gains. Between the genetics and the feed, I was just super proud. My calves, when I wean them they just always do really, really good.”
Amy says she appreciates the nutrition research that goes into every bag of feed that she buys – but also that her animals “actually eat it.”
“I couldn’t believe the difference in their attitudes once they started getting Kent,” she says. “My cows go absolutely crazy for this feed.”